Recently, I was in the studio with Jostein and Viktoria, to record two of her songs. Since this happened in only one morning, we ended up doing an almost live recording, with practically no fixes afterwards. The first two songs on the VOGS page ("Without a reason" and "The birds") are the result.
Also, the Skin Sofa gig in Skuret is just ahead - Wednesday 24 February, evening. Apparently Skuret streams their concerts live via their website, maybe you can see us play from your home, via your browser!
etosha kurzmeldung
vor 12 Jahren
2 Kommentare:
But we don't want people to watch it from home man!! They have to COME to Skuret to get the real Skin Sofa LIVE experience :)
Hi Tom! :-) You're right - but I wrote this for my friends who live, e.g., in Austria, making it hard for them to really come to the gig
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